n21=.Add Owner:/guser 1000 $$1 2 | /notice $$1 You have been added to my Admin access, type !help for my commands. | /set %masternick $$1 | /notice $$1 All the commands start with ! or Mb | /notice $$1 Example: !op <nick> or Mb op <nick>
n22=.Del Owner:/ruser 1000 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been deleted from my Admin access. | /notice $$1 MegaBot is no longer accepting commands from you. | /set %masternick NONE
n24=.Add Master:/guser 800 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been added to my Master access, type !help for my commands. | /notice $$1 All the commands start with ! or Mb | /notice $$1 Example: !op <nick> or Mb op <nick>
n25=.Del Master:/ruser 800 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been deleted from my Master access. | /notice $$1 MegaBot is no longer accepting commands from you.
n27=.Add Helper:/guser 600 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been added to my Helper access, type !help for my commands. | /notice $$1 All the commands start with ! or Mb | /notice $$1 Example: !op <nick> or Mb op <nick>
n28=.Del Helper:/ruser 600 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been deleted from my Helper access. | /notice $$1 MegaBot is no longer accepting commands from you.